Monday, August 29, 2011

The history of Italian jewelry

The history of Italian jewelry is rich, diverse, full of passion. Modern Italian pandora jewelry beads designer drew from the tradition of fine workmanship can be traced back several centuries. Almost every culture addicted to some form of body decoration, which is largely a symbolic purpose, religion, social status or family. This is true in Italy; However, there are a number of practices in the Italian designer jewelry unique differences with Rome in the history of the world's great role. Activities extended to many corners of the world, the power of the Roman Empire, to take on the art of Italian jewelry design at different temperatures.


In many classic Italian jewelry designers, you will see Egypt, Greece and traces of Asian culture. How to combine the design and development of these cultural influences, it is easy to see, in the ancient Etruscan period jewelry found in southern Italy. From the 9th to the 4th century BC, these early Italian jewelry designers, gold jewelry design has never been its equal in beauty, perfect in the Italian jewelry techniques still in use today. A prime example is one of the most famous 19th-century Italian jewelry designers, PIO Fortuna Castellani, research and rehabilitation of the Etruscan "granulation" technique for the production of gold jewelry of the value of life jewelers place for their craft. Castellani, including the entire history of Italian jewelry design, this passion into the U.S. process, in many parts of the country is almost obsessed. This is a major factor in production from around the world in addition.

Italian jewelry, gold has been the most highly used metal, respect the fact that the human body, mind and spirit has a strong, innate connection to gold, more than any other metal. Pry open its affinity, the color of the sun, our powerful lifegiver on Earth, is the magnetic attraction of gold, in ancient respect. Today, the demand for Italian gold jewelry is not reduced, but can not ignore the wonderful Italian sterling silver jewelry. Now choose to work, only the highest quality sterling silver to create beautiful every part of the body is decorated with Italian jewelry designer. Italian jewelry demand is the production of a high standard of originality, quality and diversity of the results. Italian designer jewelry craft of history, has always attached great importance, whether it is gold, silver or precious stones debris.

Italian pandora jewelry beads today continue to make bold and delicate gold, oversized and trendy sterling silver with diamonds or semi-precious stones design fashion history. When you are ready decorated beautiful things to your body, the rich history of Italian jewelry advantage to meet your every desire.

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